Cleaner Jobs in London

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urgent vacancy


3000+ $

England (London)

Write Us Via Telegram or WhatsApp! We Cannot Call You Directly! !!!WE ARE DIRECT EMPLOYEE !!! !!!!FREE ACCOMMODATION, MEDCINE CARE, FLYING TICKETS INCLUDED!!!!! WhatsApp +44 7537131468 Telegram +44 7418 623718 Salary - 3500-4140$ Location: Amazon Warehouse Job Description: We are...


Without experience
With accommodation
Full time job
No English required jobs
For all
  • 2500 £

    England (London)

    Открыт набор работников на клининг в Ньюбери. Требования: Желание работать; Навыки работы в коллективе; Базовое знание английского языка; Водительское удостоверение и умение водить будет преимуществом; отсутствие аллергии на домашних животных; График работы: рабочий день 8-10 час; мож...
    Agency  Work Service
    Work Service


    Without experience
    Without accommodation
    Full time job
    No English required jobs
    Biometric passport
    For all
  • Room Cleaner

    Handymen - Working specialties
    Agency House management service

    450 €

    England (London)

    We are hiring "Boys / Girls" for "Room Attendant & Cleaning" jobs for luxury hotels in Central London. Immediately need & 8 hours secure job Timing: 8am to 4pm or alternatively 8.30am to 4.30pm. We are giving a good package, you can earn around £450 while w...
    Agency  House management service
    House management service

    Private person

    Experience required
    Without accommodation
    Full time job
    English speaking jobs
    With visa sponsorship
    For all
  • 3000+ $

    England (London)

    Write Us Via Telegram or WhatsApp! We Cannot Call You Directly! !!!WE ARE DIRECT EMPLOYEE !!! !!!!FREE ACCOMMODATION, MEDCINE CARE, FLYING TICKETS INCLUDED!!!!! WhatsApp +44 7534 414410 Telegram +44 7537 106439 Salary - 3500-4140$ Job Description: We are seeking a highly motivat...
    Agency  BestJobInThisCountry


    Without experience
    With accommodation
    Full time job
    No English required jobs
    With visa sponsorship
    Jobs for women

Recommended vacancies:

  • Cleaner in Hotel

    Handymen - Working specialties
    Agency Workforceworld

    2700 £


    Cleaner needed for Generator London Hotel located in London at the address: 37 Tavistock Pl, London WC1H 9SE Your task: -Housekeeping - Hall cleaning -Maintenance of cleanliness throughout the working day -All tools and uniforms are issued Working conditions: -Your working day is 8 hours - Work sc...
    Agency  Workforceworld


    Without experience
    With accommodation
    Full time job
    English speaking jobs
    For all
  • 2500 £

    England (London)

    Открыт набор работников на клининг в Ньюбери. Требования: Желание работать; Навыки работы в коллективе; Базовое знание английского языка; Водительское удостоверение и умение водить будет преимуществом; отсутствие аллергии на домашних животных; График работы: рабочий день 8-10 час; мож...
    Agency  Work Service
    Work Service


    Without experience
    Without accommodation
    Full time job
    No English required jobs
    Biometric passport
    For all
  • Room Cleaner

    Handymen - Working specialties
    Agency House management service

    450 €

    England (London)

    We are hiring "Boys / Girls" for "Room Attendant & Cleaning" jobs for luxury hotels in Central London. Immediately need & 8 hours secure job Timing: 8am to 4pm or alternatively 8.30am to 4.30pm. We are giving a good package, you can earn around £450 while w...
    Agency  House management service
    House management service

    Private person

    Experience required
    Without accommodation
    Full time job
    English speaking jobs
    With visa sponsorship
    For all


How much do Cleaner earn in London?

The 1500$ for Cleaner in London is around 1500$ yet some Cleaner may also earn approximately 1000$ - 2000$. London Cleaner salary tasks might demand different amount of functioning hrs.

How much a Cleaner can earn in London.

What is the salary array for Cleaner in London? The average salary for Cleaner in London is around 1500$ however more skilled Cleaner may even earn up to 2000$.

Is Cleaner a good career in London

Cleaner can make you a great living. A person with a good Cleaner experience can make more than $avg salary per month in London.

Is it difficult to find a Cleaner job in London from India?

It is simple to find a Cleaner work in London from India, yet it will certainly take some initiative. You can capitalize on on the internet resources as well as select from a range of work openings on The process of finding a job can be simplified by utilizing a migration expert. Networking with people in your area is likewise helpful.