Office assistant Jobs in Atlanta

  • Office Boy

    Top Management - Directors
    Agency Abroad Work

    $1200 - $1950 $

    USA (Atlanta)

    To negotiate we need Office Boy United States of America in Atlanta for the agreed salary $1200 - $1950, salary is paid at the end of each week; we urgently required honest employee, knows basic English, no work experience. Conditions: 4 hours a day, accommodation, transportation to work, meals at t...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Office Boy

    Top Management - Directors
    Agency Abroad Work

    $1000+ $

    USA (Atlanta)

    To perform we need Office Boy in USA in Atlanta for a decent salary $1000+, salary is paid every two weeks; we urgently required person that has an attention to detail candidate, fluent English, 1+ years experience. Status: to work weekends or holidays, accommodation, transportation to and from work...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Office Boy

    Top Management - Directors
    Agency Abroad Work

    3000+ $

    USA (Atlanta)

    For work we need Office Boy in United States in Atlanta for a good salary start from 1600 to 1900 $, salary is paid once or twice a month; we are looking for honest handyman, basic English, 2 to 5 years experience in. Facility: full time, shared accomodation in fully equipped townhouse, transportati...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Office Boy

    Top Management - Directors
    Agency Abroad Work

    $1200 - $1950 $

    USA (Atlanta)

    To build rapport with we need Office Boy in United States in Atlanta on competitive wages $1200 - $1950, salary is paid every two weeks; looking for a responsible candidate, knows basic English language both in reading and speaking, no work experience. Conditions: 12 hours duty, shared accomodation...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Office Boy

    Top Management - Directors
    Agency Abroad Work

    2800 $ per month $

    USA (Atlanta)

    To ensure stock rotation looking for Office Boy United States of America in Atlanta for the agreed salary 2800 $ per month, salary is paid by contract; looking for a responsible handyman, basic English, 2 to 5 years experience in. Facility: 40 hours a week, shared accomodation in fully equipped town...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Office Boy

    Top Management - Directors
    Agency Abroad Work

    $1200 - $1950 $

    USA (Atlanta)

    For manpower pooling looking for Office Boy United States of America in Atlanta for a decent salary $1200 - $1950, salary is paid at the end of each week; we are looking for a passionate candidate, knows basic English, 1+ years experience. Facility: part time, sharing accommodation, transportation t...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


What kind of office assistant work is available in Atlanta?

Office assistant work in Atlanta can range from administrative to customer service roles.

What qualifications do I need to qualify for office assistant work in Atlanta?

Qualifications depend on the position you are applying for, but generally strong communication and problem-solving skills, as well as knowledge of office software and organizational systems, are sought after.

What resources are available to help me find office assistant work in Atlanta?

You can look for office assistant job postings on popular job search engines, as well as classified ad websites. Additionally, networking with other professionals in the field can yield potential openings.

How much would I be paid for office assistant work in Atlanta?

Pay for office assistant work in Atlanta can vary depending on experience, qualifications, and the specific company you are interviewing with. On average, pay ranges from $30,000 to $50,000 per year.

Are there language requirements for office assistant work in Atlanta if I'm a foreign worker?

The language requirements for office assistant work in Atlanta may vary depending on the position and employer. Generally, a good command of English is necessary for most administrative roles.