Chemist vacancy in Khawr Fakkan UAE

1200 $
UAE (Khawr Fakkan)
Agency Work corp
Work corp


on layboard since 17.01.2021

Contact person: Oscar
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Contact person: Oscar
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Chemist vacancy in Khawr Fakkan UAE
duties, and desired skills.

We are looking for an experienced Chemist to join our team in Khawr Fakkan. The successful candidate is expected to have at least 1 year of experience in the field, as well as a passion for research and development. The Chemist will be responsible for creating and executing high-level experiments and tests, analyzing data, and developing reports to present their findings.

The ideal candidate should have the following requirements: a degree in Chemistry or a related field from an accredited university; 1+ years of experience working as a Chemist; strong knowledge of laboratory techniques, procedures, and equipment; excellent analytical skills; strong writing skills; attention to detail; accuracy in data collection; proficiency with computers and software programs.

The duties of the Chemist include but are not limited to: conducting experiments or tests using various chemicals, instruments, or equipment; researching new methods or techniques for scientific experiments; interpreting the results of experiments and tests; maintaining cleanliness in the lab environment; preparing reports on the results of experiments conducted.

The desired skills for this role include: excellent problem-solving abilities; creative thinking skills; good communication abilities (written & verbal); ability to work independently with minimal supervision; ability to work under pressure & tight deadlines.

This position offers a competitive salary of 1200/month for the right candidate. We are also open to foreign applicants who meet the above criteria.
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views: 189

valid through: 2023-04-29

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on layboard since 17.01.2021

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