Junior Merchandiser
Stores - Purchases - Procurement1300 $
Without experienceFor allOwn visa jobs -
Stores - Purchases - Procurement1100 $
Work in USAAgency
Without experienceWith accommodationBiometric passportFor all -
Junior Merchandiser
Stores - Purchases - Procurement1800 $
Without experienceWith free visa and ticketJobs for freshers -
Entry-Level Merchandiser
Stores - Purchases - ProcurementWork standardAgency
Without accommodationJobs for freshers -
Stores - Purchases - Procurement1600 $
With free visa and ticketJobs for students -
Merchandiser (Al-Malikiyah, Syria)
Stores - Purchases - Procurement1100 $
Experience requiredWith accommodationContract jobWith free visa and ticket -
Merchandiser in Muharraq, Bahrain
Stores - Purchases - ProcurementConFlipAgency
Without experienceWith accommodationContract job -
Stores - Purchases - Procurement1100 $
Experience requiredWith accommodationBiometric passport -
Junior Merchandiser
Stores - Purchases - ProcurementIndia AbroadAgency
Without experienceWith accommodationSuitable for menWith free visa and ticket -
Part-Time Merchandiser
Stores - Purchases - ProcurementJobCenterAgency
Experience requiredWithout accommodationWith free visa and ticketPart time jobsUrgent -
Entry Level Merchandiser
Stores - Purchases - ProcurementIndia AbroadAgency
With accommodationJobs for freshersOwn visa jobs -
Merchandiser (Full-Time) in Manama, Bahrain
Stores - Purchases - ProcurementAvanta WorksAgency
Experience requiredWith accommodationFull time job -
Part-Time Merchandiser in Isa Town
Stores - Purchases - ProcurementJobCenterAgency
Without experiencePart time jobs -
Stores - Purchases - ProcurementWork standardAgency
Experience requiredWithout accommodationFull time jobBiometric passport -
Part-Time Merchandiser in Al-Malikiyah, Iraq
Stores - Purchases - Procurement1500 $
Part time jobs -
Merchandiser Specialist
Stores - Purchases - Procurement1500 $
Jing HauAgency
With accommodationUrgent -
Stores - Purchases - Procurement1200 $
Experience requiredWithout accommodationContract jobJobs for students -
Assistant Merchandiser
Stores - Purchases - Procurement900 $
Work in USAAgency
Without experienceWith accommodationOwn visa jobs -
Entry-level Merchandiser
Stores - Purchases - Procurement1800 $
Without experienceWith accommodationJobs for freshers -
Junior Merchandiser
Stores - Purchases - Procurement1800 $
Without experiencePart time jobs -
Part-Time Merchandiser
Stores - Purchases - ProcurementWorkatoAgency
Without accommodationPart time jobs -
Contract Merchandiser in Muharraq (Urgent)
Stores - Purchases - ProcurementConFlipAgency
Experience requiredWithout accommodationContract jobUrgent -
Entry-level Merchandiser in Muharraq, Bahrain
Stores - Purchases - ProcurementWorkatoAgency
Without experienceWithout accommodationWith visa sponsorshipJobs for freshers -
Stores - Purchases - ProcurementWant MoreAgency
Experience requiredFull time jobFor all -
Merchandiser in Isa Town, Bahrain
Stores - Purchases - ProcurementEcojobAgency
Experience requiredWith accommodationFull time jobJobs for freshersOwn visa jobs -
Merchandiser - Isa Town, Bahrain (Contract)
Stores - Purchases - ProcurementWorkatoAgency
Experience requiredWith accommodationContract jobJobs for students -
Entry Level Merchandiser in Isa Town, Bahrain
Stores - Purchases - ProcurementWork corpAgency
Full time jobJobs for freshers -
Entry-Level Merchandiser
Stores - Purchases - ProcurementWant MoreAgency
Without experienceWithout accommodationWith free visa and ticket -
Part-Time Merchandiser
Stores - Purchases - Procurement1000 $
Without experienceBiometric passportFor allPart time jobs -
Part-Time Merchandiser
Stores - Purchases - Procurement1800 $
Work standardAgency
Experience requiredWith accommodationWith free visa and ticketJobs for studentsPart time jobs -
Merchandiser - Al-Malikiyah, Syria
Stores - Purchases - Procurement1500 $
Without accommodationFull time jobJobs for studentsOwn visa jobs -
Entry-Level Merchandiser
Stores - Purchases - Procurement1100 $
Work in USAAgency
Without experienceWithout accommodationContract jobWith free visa and ticket -
Stores - Purchases - ProcurementConFlipAgency
Experience requiredFull time jobWith free visa and ticketJobs for students -
Female Merchandiser
Stores - Purchases - Procurement1600 $
Without accommodationJobs for womenOwn visa jobs -
Merchandiser Specialist
Stores - Purchases - ProcurementJobLeaderAgency
Experience requiredWith accommodationWith visa sponsorshipJobs for students -
Merchandiser (Manama, Bahrain)
Stores - Purchases - ProcurementJobCenterAgency
Without accommodationFull time jobOwn visa jobs